Saturday, October 30, 2010

Never fully apart... Never completely together...

War. Debate. Conflict. Arguments. Disagreements. Differences. Point of views. Beliefs. Realizations. Agreements. Stubbornness. Results. Peace/violence. Emotions. Separations. Silence.
     There are quite a few things that cause vs. and ands [haha]. Things that separate some will bring together others, and some will never even know it happened.
     Everyone will get in a dispute at some point in their life whether it's willingly or forced. It's a part of how our government even works. When your arguing, depending on what your trying to get done, shows how your fighting. Whether it's to win, to make it come to a close, to have everyone agree, etc. Yet, no matter how bad the argument is, no one is the exact opposite [though the argument may portray otherwise].
     Opposing this, when people are fighting for the same cause, hoping for the same result, trying their hardest for the same result, they're never in complete agreement. Even on that topic, some think certain things should be done/ran differently. And from these to simplicities comes so many various outcomes depending just how large it can get to.
     But, to sum it all up, I find this quote to fit perfectly to things like war, and if you change the words to other things. Fighting for peace is like making love for virginity. You will not accomplish the other by doing the first because it's impossible by meaning.


  1. to = two xDD
    aah grammatical error

  2. your last lind is really cool, and it makes a lot of sense, but i'm not entirely sure if i agree. you can fight or argue to achieve peace, it's just not the best way to go about it. say you and i get into an argument about something totally stupid, and the only way to solve it is to argue it out, (or talk it out i guess), we're still arguing, but eventually we'll solve the problem, get it? haha, but still, good job
