Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Unknown.... the Interesting... the One.. the Only. Nathaniel Hawthorne.

     Well, an interesting fact I found was that I could find how a family [3 generations of 1] owned the house, built in 1668. The Turner family before they sold it to a Captain Ingersoll, who gave it to his daughter, who's cousin is *surprised gasp * Nathaniel Hawthorne. So.. I've heard this book [House of 7 Gables] is non-fiction... so it may be... if he changed the names... yet I'm unsure. Also, due to him losing his father [also a Nathaniel Hawthorne] at age 5 due to a voyage he went on, him. his mother, and 2 other siblings had little wealth and had to move in with their family, the Mannings. Due to this, as an adult he found a 'literary outlet' for his childhood experiences.
     Now, some info on Salem [BwaHaHaaaaaaaa 3=)}  ]. I knew the witch trials existed and that they were as bad as books made them out to be.. yet reading 'The Crucible' [past book] I thought thru-out the reading "I could never falsely call out somebody.. especially to possible death!!". Yet, all these female, my age, a lil older and a lil younger... and some a lot younger [4ish] were doing just that, and only one felt enough remorse to try to get everyone out of it... sigh. I found out this story was true. John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, their boys, Goody Nurse, Goody Good, Mr & Mrs Giles, Abigal.. they all existed, and this happened [excluding the affair b/tween Mr Proctor and Abigal Williams, which then confuses me a lil cause' it's partiaclly a main (oxymoron-ish xD) reason why these trials happened as they did with such force and such turns even happened] but yea.
     So, to me, these were some interesting facts I found.

Being American is like being someone who takes too much for granted without even knowing it... and I'm proud??

     The title is an exaggeration. Not every American is like this but there are various who are. Honestly, being an American is a lot of things that I only I few of because I am one. For someone outside looking in, they can say most. And the person next to them can add on and a person from every other nation can converse about us possibly better than we can. Just a thought c(=
     Well... I guess I can say I realized I was an American when I realized how free w/ limits [haha oxymoron xD] I was. There are places where you honestly have to watch what you say and do with way more limitations then us that if I went to live there, and I didn't know them all,I could possibly be sending my self to death. I go out in public w/ too little clothes on and get beaten and looked down upon and called a whore for it, and all I might've done is forgotten my facial scarf that day.
    For men, it's easier, but there's still a 'lil thing males and females both do that can get you killed in some places.. like adultery.
     Also, we are getting close-ish.... eeh... kinda to equality in the U.S. but yeah. I guess that's it. This isn;t a very good topic for me =p. SO, that's when i realized i was an American.

Never fully apart... Never completely together...

War. Debate. Conflict. Arguments. Disagreements. Differences. Point of views. Beliefs. Realizations. Agreements. Stubbornness. Results. Peace/violence. Emotions. Separations. Silence.
     There are quite a few things that cause vs. and ands [haha]. Things that separate some will bring together others, and some will never even know it happened.
     Everyone will get in a dispute at some point in their life whether it's willingly or forced. It's a part of how our government even works. When your arguing, depending on what your trying to get done, shows how your fighting. Whether it's to win, to make it come to a close, to have everyone agree, etc. Yet, no matter how bad the argument is, no one is the exact opposite [though the argument may portray otherwise].
     Opposing this, when people are fighting for the same cause, hoping for the same result, trying their hardest for the same result, they're never in complete agreement. Even on that topic, some think certain things should be done/ran differently. And from these to simplicities comes so many various outcomes depending just how large it can get to.
     But, to sum it all up, I find this quote to fit perfectly to things like war, and if you change the words to other things. Fighting for peace is like making love for virginity. You will not accomplish the other by doing the first because it's impossible by meaning.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Proctor... hero or stooge... depends what your against and just how strongly your against it.

1] i know this is late... and im quite sorry =/
2]time to start :D
Ok... so... is John Proctor a hero or a stooge... overall i believe he's a hero, or at least he tried to be. Yes, he did sleep with Abigal Williams, the Preacher's niece, but he also ended it. He also has a wife. She knew and that's part of why it ended. He's also 1 of the very few people trying to help many innocent people, neighbors, not get not just killed, but hanged. He tried as hard as he could with all he could... it just so happened his wife decided to keep his good name... it just so happened the girl working in their house [Mary], also Abigal's friend, had a breaking point and is easily frightened... uum... persuaded... i can't think of the word but i mean she can become gullible under certain situations i guess =p.
It was just bad luck for the town basically... and 'religion' is the reason it all happened. Anyway, he could only do so much... then he finalized his heroism when he confessed what he was, because his wife kinda wanted him to, then when they tried to use him he didn't let them, and he ended up dieing anyway... because of 'religion'.