Thursday, September 9, 2010


     Hi, my name is Kate Martin. I got accepted into Whitney Young from testing in with a 984 or 986... cant exactly remember which. I mention this because I feel it's important to know who came in testing or by having teachers & or principal [as well] write and sign letters of commendation. My birthday is April 12, 1995.
     Like any other person I have things which interest me and things that bore me. I am up to trying just about anything, but I usually prefer the more energetic, entertaining, & thrilling thing to do. I love the outdoors, especially at night. I also love music. I like to dance & play any sport, though I'm pretty bad at some and bad at certain aspects of the rest which make me good at none of them.
     I can get bored easier when tired. I also get talkative at awkward moments [if in a  place to do so] or when bored just to have something going on. I hate being forced to read something I'm not interested in, which is why i highly dislike history. Most of it is boring to me. When it comes to literature, there are many things that interest me, but there are some things that just make me want to throw a book away.
     Well... personality-wise, I've been told I'm a pretty good person overall. I know I can be rude at times, but who does't have those days? I feel bad when things come out at wrong people [and especially hate hurting anyone else even more so if I deeply care]. I'm usually content but depending on what's going on, i may actually be different. I've been through ups and [mainly] downs in my life, I learned from them, and became who I am. When I didn't like something happening to me I decided not to do it to someone else [purposely].
Like when i saw rudeness... which i covered earlier; same concept with lies to honesty, mistreatment to over-caring, and too optimistic to being realistic.
     So... this is an overall of basics... there's a lot more and detail to this book.. but this is an introduction that I don't even think was suppose to be like this... but oh well... this is somewhat me [ in my eyes and opinions of some others].

1 comment:

  1. Kate, you seem like an interesting person and hope I will soon get to know you during school. I like this post and congrats on scoring so high!
