Thursday, September 23, 2010

God hates you!! He can vaporize you WHENEVAH!!! . . . then why behave?? xD

     Aaaaaaaaaaaah Puritans... from what I've heard about them... they live a not so fun [from how I've been raised] life.I mean going off what the preacher said... idk... from how I am how I'd take that as is as my title states. I mean, I understand how they were raised that this would make them quiver in fear and make them wanna behave that much more, but for me it just wouldn't.
    " He can open the floodgates whenever he please, he could vanquish you, he wants to kill you, he's angry, furious, filled with rage towards you, and you, and even you *points at newborn*. God is a very angry man. He dislikes the human race. he can and wants to kill you. I'm not sure why he doesn't. You should pray to him everyday, respect his land, and the people who rule it. You should respect the rules of his religion, and of his land which for some odd reason he lets you thrive upon. He'll kill blah blah give respect blah blah death blah blah listen blah blah *growing distant* blah blah . . ."
     Don't take how I end the statement as me disrespecting the religion. It's just repetitive with different ways of stating it to me. Well.. i understand to them this was oh my goodness we have to behave, we have to be good, we have to make him like us so we can keep our place in heaven. For me, 'cuz I'm how I'm, I would be like well... if I could die at any point [and this kinda is how i live xD] then why completely restrict myself?? Imma be me and see where i go. No, not go crazy and do whatever, but not be so stuck up. Go out when i can, still obey laws [except maybe curfew... xP], retain dignity and respect [myself and others (treat others how they you wanna be treated)], etc. a la me =]].
     Well yeah... I feel if this is how all their preachers spoke that they were a little over lust-for-death-y =p. I guess if they calmed it down they would soon enough wonder why they have to do what they do if they won't get punished [again because of how they're raised]. So, I can understand, but... haha i would hate being Puritan xD [with this background].

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the neighborhood...

McKinley Park was at 1st mainly mexicans, & other latinos but mainly mexicans, some white people, and very few of anything else. It has been like this most of my life in this area which was since I was 3 years old. I went to school in my area 'til 5th grade, then went to FFAC on the northside, & now im here at Whitney Young =p
Aaaaaanyway... point is I know well off how and who used to be around. Recently, in the year 2010, a lot of asains are starting to come around. At 1st, it was just 1 day where they were doing they're stretches and the basketball court was 2 asain familys [weird i thought] and throughout park. I thought nothing of it.
Now, though, I notice them driving past my house walking around all in MicKinley park, I don't mind them, I have nothing against asians... it's just... perculiar.
It hasn't changed much yet, I think, buuuuuuuuuuuuut yea. I know others have noticed too haha but . . . yea.
I have nothing more to say on the subject... sooooo... I guess godbye, take care, and until you choose to read me again =]]

Thursday, September 9, 2010


     Hi, my name is Kate Martin. I got accepted into Whitney Young from testing in with a 984 or 986... cant exactly remember which. I mention this because I feel it's important to know who came in testing or by having teachers & or principal [as well] write and sign letters of commendation. My birthday is April 12, 1995.
     Like any other person I have things which interest me and things that bore me. I am up to trying just about anything, but I usually prefer the more energetic, entertaining, & thrilling thing to do. I love the outdoors, especially at night. I also love music. I like to dance & play any sport, though I'm pretty bad at some and bad at certain aspects of the rest which make me good at none of them.
     I can get bored easier when tired. I also get talkative at awkward moments [if in a  place to do so] or when bored just to have something going on. I hate being forced to read something I'm not interested in, which is why i highly dislike history. Most of it is boring to me. When it comes to literature, there are many things that interest me, but there are some things that just make me want to throw a book away.
     Well... personality-wise, I've been told I'm a pretty good person overall. I know I can be rude at times, but who does't have those days? I feel bad when things come out at wrong people [and especially hate hurting anyone else even more so if I deeply care]. I'm usually content but depending on what's going on, i may actually be different. I've been through ups and [mainly] downs in my life, I learned from them, and became who I am. When I didn't like something happening to me I decided not to do it to someone else [purposely].
Like when i saw rudeness... which i covered earlier; same concept with lies to honesty, mistreatment to over-caring, and too optimistic to being realistic.
     So... this is an overall of basics... there's a lot more and detail to this book.. but this is an introduction that I don't even think was suppose to be like this... but oh well... this is somewhat me [ in my eyes and opinions of some others].