Thursday, May 5, 2011

Short Story

         On this planet Earth there is a continent named South America, and within her is a state called Illinois which has a blemish called Chicago across her face. In Chicago, there’s an elementary school called Greene. Nathaniel Greene School at 35th and Honore is a neighborhood school; to attend you had to live in the parameters they set.  Two girls by the name of Kate and Jennifer attended this school at the same time, in the same class even. Little did they know what was in store for them.
            Somewhere within the first two weeks of school, Kate had grown tired of the boys at her table. She still could not understand how in a table of seven, she could be the only person required to wear a skirt. It was lunchtime, and the play area gated in for the young students was muddy from rain, so they were kept inside. This gave Kate an opportunity to talk to the shy girl at the table across.
            “Hey!” Kate said, tapping the girl’s shoulder simultaneously.
            “*gasp* Oh, hi.” The girl said, relieved.
            “What would your name be?”
            “Jennifer. Yours?”
            “Kate. Would you like to do something with me for today? We can have fun?” Kate said with the aim to coax the girl into getting to know her, and give her some company.
            “Sure!” Jennifer said, with a small smile, for she was not sure how this would go, and one of the first interactions she’d had with anyone in this class.
            The girls ended up just talking to a game of hangman. When the teacher had exclaimed that everyone should get ready for the next assignments, she stayed in her seat, while Kate took a short walk back to hers. They ended up talking everyday and hanging out when they could at school until Jennifer had stopped being shy almost completely. For her to know whether Kate was really a person she wanted around, she asked her one day,
“Would you like to go to my house?”
“Sure! I’d like to meet your family.” Kate replied.
So, later that day, Kate’s mom picked her up, and the parents talked, and when they got home Kate rushed her homework so that her mother and she could leave. When they walked past the car, Kate was puzzled.
“Aren’t we driving there mommy?”
“No Katie, that’d be silly. They live right here.” Her mother answered. She then pointed toward a house almost directly behind hers, yet to the left one house if you’re looking from Kate’s back porch. It excited the children when they realized just how near they were. Within 30 minutes, Kate had met the family, done a few things with them, and then gotten in trouble. Jennifer and she had rode the bike through the alley, Kate on the pegs, and gotten in trouble with her own parents, for they did not want her on the pegs. The girls giggled, and then got saddened by the fact they may never get to hang out again. Happy to later found out they had over exaggerated, they’d never realize just how wrong they were.
Now, about 9 years later, Jennifer has moved twice, but the latest move on the fifteenth of June 2009 separated them by 800-1000 miles, one in Illinois, and one in Virginia. But it could never be a problem, for they had been connected from that day in second grade on, and were now so close in so many ways, it is impossible for them to ever split. Especially with the crazy ties Kate now had amongst their entire family now. It is an amazing mess that they hope to organize, yet never rid of.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Richard... attention seeker?!? Psh!... no... *cough**cough*

     Well, you can't say Richard was Mr. Perfect.
     Actually, you can't say he was anywhere near it.
But eh, no one's perfect. Yet, in the very beginning of where we're allowed to see into this man's childhood, he's already done some things most [well, I'm guessing most] of us will never do. He's set his house on fire. Not only did  he do that, but he also then ran out and hid under the burning quick-ish building, not thinking of any other person's well-being as much as his thought processing of "Oh snap, Imma get beat for this." He does somewhat, but again not so much. This happens while his grandmother is getting all the attention for she's ill and bed-ridden for the time being.
     Then, we hear how he kills a kitten to prove a point. He has a father who isn't so great. He's usually drinking and saying things here and there, always trying to be 'smart' and 'assertive'. Richard decides he's tired of his father's rules and habits, and takes the next chance he has to prove his point. There's a kitten. Daddy said to kill it, do whatever you must, just shut it up. So, Richard silenced the poor little thing forever. He HUNG it with a mini-noose. I still wonder why he hung it... it called for more attention though.
     There's more, like he tipped into drinking [a path of daddykins'], but I find these two to be more in your face.
     But, although these can be taken as signs, you have to realize, some can be more reasoned. Like with his father. Sometimes, people have to take a greater length to make a greater point. Does this mean I approve? Not at all. But, I'm just saying.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Haiku on Winter

Winter: Snow, Christmas
Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, & more
Holidays Galore

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks!! & No, but thank you anyway.

     Hello people who take the time to visit this. This a Thanksgiving themed blog. So, I will state what I'm thankful for, and a lil' of what I'm not.
For the people who are always there for me. For the ones who weren't that taught me that valuable lesson. For those I can trust. For those who proved that's not a trait everyone possesses. For those who returned, to prove things don't always just end. For those who were stupid for me, so that it became one less mistake I make [possibly]. Basically, for all those who helped shape me. Also, for the luck the people in my life and I have.For the health most of us have. For the love some of us have, for the ones who think they have it and truly do, and for the hope that the rest will in the far/near [pendant on age] future. For the fact we're all pretty well-off when it comes to being alive haha [as in have a home or some sort, a money source, food source, you know,  basic needs.]. And various various other things.
     NOT-THANKFUL [warning, some things above will be here because they happen to be both]
For lies. They don't help. Even when someone is at one of their worst times and you think avoiding something is the best, veeery rarely does it end up as such. Also, when to make someone feel better, when they find out it's a lie, usually makes it that much worse. Other examples, but yeah. For distrust. If you know your one of those people who can't keep things to themselves, or keep up on a promise or a ride or something, then try not to offer to listen/do that thing/etc. Unless you don't mind hurting people, then I guess you don't know the difference. For the need of some people to purposely hurt people for no reason or a reason that honestly doesn't make sense. Immaturity. Everyone has it from time to time, same as rudeness, people have their days, but see, there are certain things that go to far. With rudeness, I understand, sometimes it just happens. With immaturity... I don"t even know. There are more things under this category I'm not thankful for, but I must move on. For the fact that some countries at different times didn't/don't help when they could/can help major situations but chose/choose not to. For the unjustices of the world that can't be helped. And more but... jeez.. can;t say. Haha... sorry.. sooo much in this world I think about.

Ok. So, I was told the blog was about overall thankfulness, not the thankfulness of someone in the classroom... sigh. So, here's an add-on :).
Well... I am thankful for everyone in the class because they help make it how it is. Though I can;t go into detail about all of them for I do not know all of them. May I add how I love the fact the blog keeps underlining blog as if it's spelled wrong / does't exist xD sorry. Anyway, Let me get back on subject. I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy, because he's the teacher, and the reason the class is as is for some part. I am also thankful for the 'gossip' group because they always say random stuff that our little group (Simon, Faith, Johnetta, Mauricio, Cyerra, maybe Shiloh, and others come and go) overhears haha. We have our own mini escapades sometimes, depends. I am thankful for everyone who states their opinion for a) everyone should be heard and b) not everyone thinks about it like that, sometimes it's horrid, sometimes interesting, sometimes just unbelievable {not necessarily in a OMG fashion but also an awing or fascinating way}. I'm thankful for the silent people, because their mysterious, and you need that in your life you know ;)  haha. Although, they should speak up from time to time on their own. No need to be shy, but that's just my opinion.
Uuuuuuumm let's get specific?? Well, I'm thankful for Mauricio, Faith, and Cyerra, for knowing that I used to read the Journal of the day for Mauricio because he couldn't see, although Mr. McCarthy didn't believe me. I am thankful for the people who listen and aren't judgemental, just helping to keep the debate/conversation/etc. going. I'm thankful for everyone for being them. And.... I don't wanna get specific.. gah!! Well... Carlos, Mauricio, and Cyerra for being spontaneous, Faith for making me one of her wifeys and not getting cbaodefvbowsfurious when I taught her a lesson {xD}, Simon for being cool. And well, jeez I'm thankful for the whole class 'cause it's Mr. McCarthy's 2nd period :D what else can I say?? It's just one those classes you don't walk in going uuuugh [unless it test/quiz/etc. because no one really likes those].

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plow.. plow.. plowplowplowplow . . . P-L-O-W!!

Well... if you didn't know... there's a new type of pokemon in town.
No, I'm not kidding.
It's name is Plow.
Element[s]: Earth, water, electricity
Powers: Snow blast [lose 50 life], Water blast [lose 50 life], Electricity overload [lose 100 life], Earthquake [ lose 65 life], Overload [self-distruct; lose 150 life points]
This is special pokemon. It's moderately - highly powerful.
Enemies: Fire, Mystic, etc.
Bio: IN the snowy mountains.. one day spontneously appeared a family of PLOWs. Early on, they seperated their own ways. One, a nice little family took in, and he turned out to be useful for not only winning other Pokemon, but for in Winter, snow blasting all the snow from the path to town, or in Spring to water blast big puddles out of the path.

A little info on the Plow :)

modern day slavery

Well it's most definitely still around. It may not be as in-your-face here any more,but it is in some places, and it's still just as horrid as it was before.
For some it's in the form of major  underpayment, for some it's for the right to survive, for some it's for nothing besides the fact they have to. It's in shoemaking, blanket-weaving, in company lines for different parts of making something.
Then, they get mistreated worse. Some get sold out, some get beaten [even to death], some die from what they're working on, etc. The list goes on.
Well... I don't have much to say on this topic for I highly dislike these things and choose not to speak of them haha.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Unknown.... the Interesting... the One.. the Only. Nathaniel Hawthorne.

     Well, an interesting fact I found was that I could find how a family [3 generations of 1] owned the house, built in 1668. The Turner family before they sold it to a Captain Ingersoll, who gave it to his daughter, who's cousin is *surprised gasp * Nathaniel Hawthorne. So.. I've heard this book [House of 7 Gables] is non-fiction... so it may be... if he changed the names... yet I'm unsure. Also, due to him losing his father [also a Nathaniel Hawthorne] at age 5 due to a voyage he went on, him. his mother, and 2 other siblings had little wealth and had to move in with their family, the Mannings. Due to this, as an adult he found a 'literary outlet' for his childhood experiences.
     Now, some info on Salem [BwaHaHaaaaaaaa 3=)}  ]. I knew the witch trials existed and that they were as bad as books made them out to be.. yet reading 'The Crucible' [past book] I thought thru-out the reading "I could never falsely call out somebody.. especially to possible death!!". Yet, all these female, my age, a lil older and a lil younger... and some a lot younger [4ish] were doing just that, and only one felt enough remorse to try to get everyone out of it... sigh. I found out this story was true. John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, their boys, Goody Nurse, Goody Good, Mr & Mrs Giles, Abigal.. they all existed, and this happened [excluding the affair b/tween Mr Proctor and Abigal Williams, which then confuses me a lil cause' it's partiaclly a main (oxymoron-ish xD) reason why these trials happened as they did with such force and such turns even happened] but yea.
     So, to me, these were some interesting facts I found.