Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks!! & No, but thank you anyway.

     Hello people who take the time to visit this. This a Thanksgiving themed blog. So, I will state what I'm thankful for, and a lil' of what I'm not.
For the people who are always there for me. For the ones who weren't that taught me that valuable lesson. For those I can trust. For those who proved that's not a trait everyone possesses. For those who returned, to prove things don't always just end. For those who were stupid for me, so that it became one less mistake I make [possibly]. Basically, for all those who helped shape me. Also, for the luck the people in my life and I have.For the health most of us have. For the love some of us have, for the ones who think they have it and truly do, and for the hope that the rest will in the far/near [pendant on age] future. For the fact we're all pretty well-off when it comes to being alive haha [as in have a home or some sort, a money source, food source, you know,  basic needs.]. And various various other things.
     NOT-THANKFUL [warning, some things above will be here because they happen to be both]
For lies. They don't help. Even when someone is at one of their worst times and you think avoiding something is the best, veeery rarely does it end up as such. Also, when to make someone feel better, when they find out it's a lie, usually makes it that much worse. Other examples, but yeah. For distrust. If you know your one of those people who can't keep things to themselves, or keep up on a promise or a ride or something, then try not to offer to listen/do that thing/etc. Unless you don't mind hurting people, then I guess you don't know the difference. For the need of some people to purposely hurt people for no reason or a reason that honestly doesn't make sense. Immaturity. Everyone has it from time to time, same as rudeness, people have their days, but see, there are certain things that go to far. With rudeness, I understand, sometimes it just happens. With immaturity... I don"t even know. There are more things under this category I'm not thankful for, but I must move on. For the fact that some countries at different times didn't/don't help when they could/can help major situations but chose/choose not to. For the unjustices of the world that can't be helped. And more but... jeez.. can;t say. Haha... sorry.. sooo much in this world I think about.

Ok. So, I was told the blog was about overall thankfulness, not the thankfulness of someone in the classroom... sigh. So, here's an add-on :).
Well... I am thankful for everyone in the class because they help make it how it is. Though I can;t go into detail about all of them for I do not know all of them. May I add how I love the fact the blog keeps underlining blog as if it's spelled wrong / does't exist xD sorry. Anyway, Let me get back on subject. I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy, because he's the teacher, and the reason the class is as is for some part. I am also thankful for the 'gossip' group because they always say random stuff that our little group (Simon, Faith, Johnetta, Mauricio, Cyerra, maybe Shiloh, and others come and go) overhears haha. We have our own mini escapades sometimes, depends. I am thankful for everyone who states their opinion for a) everyone should be heard and b) not everyone thinks about it like that, sometimes it's horrid, sometimes interesting, sometimes just unbelievable {not necessarily in a OMG fashion but also an awing or fascinating way}. I'm thankful for the silent people, because their mysterious, and you need that in your life you know ;)  haha. Although, they should speak up from time to time on their own. No need to be shy, but that's just my opinion.
Uuuuuuumm let's get specific?? Well, I'm thankful for Mauricio, Faith, and Cyerra, for knowing that I used to read the Journal of the day for Mauricio because he couldn't see, although Mr. McCarthy didn't believe me. I am thankful for the people who listen and aren't judgemental, just helping to keep the debate/conversation/etc. going. I'm thankful for everyone for being them. And.... I don't wanna get specific.. gah!! Well... Carlos, Mauricio, and Cyerra for being spontaneous, Faith for making me one of her wifeys and not getting cbaodefvbowsfurious when I taught her a lesson {xD}, Simon for being cool. And well, jeez I'm thankful for the whole class 'cause it's Mr. McCarthy's 2nd period :D what else can I say?? It's just one those classes you don't walk in going uuuugh [unless it test/quiz/etc. because no one really likes those].

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